Mobile Service Software for Selectline

Handyman complements Selectline with mobile app and full service management software


The Handyman field service software is connected to the Selectline ERP system via a standard interface. Service technicians can thus process their orders mobile and offline with the Handyman field service app. Billing is done as usual in Selectline. Thanks to the Selectline interface, this means you don't have to type work tickets, timesheets or other forms filled out by the technician on the road into Selectline.
Depending on your needs, you can use Handyman Office in addition to Selectline as a complete service management software. Here you can manage the installed base / equipment and create maintenance plans for the customers entered in Selectline. Order management is also carried out in the Handyman Office field service software. Handyman Resource Planning provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution for technician resource planning. In addition, your dispatchers can use Handyman route planning - making route planning and route optimization a breeze.
New jobs can be created in Handyman Office, but also by the technician himself in the Handyman Mobile customer service app. In the mobile app, the customer service technician creates his digital service report incl. a service report. mobile time recording, electronic warehouse management, mobile processing of checklists, photo documentation and electronic signature of the customer. Of course, Handyman Mobile is also available offline when there is no network coverage. In field service, this is indispensable. Via the interface, completed orders are transferred electronically from Mobile to Selectline - without any paper at all. The interface uses existing standard Selectline features and does not require any programming in Selectline. This makes Handyman the best alternative to add mobile data capture, mobile time tracking or customer service capabilities to Selectline.

Practical example: Using Handyman with Selectline for mobile data collection

Handyman Solution:Office + Mobile

Import of master data and order management

Handyman imports from Selectline the customer master and the article catalog incl. Product groups. Handyman Office field service management software handles job management. New orders can be created quickly here. Thanks to the clear lists, you always keep track of the open orders when managing them. If the optional service management module is used, the service history per customer and per plant is also immediately visible. Handyman resource planning is used to plan technician deployment. Here, the dispatcher can assign the individual orders to the technicians – via a graphical planning board quite simply with drag & drop. Mobile workforce management is complemented by route planning with route optimization. This makes optimal deployment planning child’s play.

Work mobile and offline with Selectline

In the Handyman Mobile application, mobile technicians process the jobs assigned to them on a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Here it is also possible to create new orders on the mobile device (mobile order entry), such as an Android smartphone. The recording of material, times, kilometers, expenses and flat rates is based on the item catalog provided by Selectline for the mobile device. This ensures that services recorded in Handyman can be processed correctly in Selectline.

Handyman Mobile is a comprehensive mobile solution for technical field service. It integrates a whole host of functions such as mobile time recording via app, mobile warehouse management, material ordering, barcode scanning, mobile photo documentation, filling out checklists or the function for the customer’s electronic signature. In Handyman, a team of multiple technicians can work simultaneously on the same job using the app. The customer service app not only has an easy-to-use interface, it is also fully operational offline without a network connection.

No matter which mobile operating system you use – Android, iOS or Windows: Handyman is always available via the respective store for all your smartphones, tablets/iPads and laptops.

Disponent mit Headset vor Handyman Office

Feedback of completed orders from Handyman customer service software to Selectline for invoicing

As soon as the fitter has completed the mobile data capture on his tablet / smartphone, the order is transferred to Handyman Office. Here, time records and material consumption from the field service app can be checked and approved by the service office. The orders are then transferred from the customer service software to Selectline via an interface. In Selectline, all the commercial data from the digital service report captured on the move is thus immediately available.

Handyman thus supplements Selectline with mobile order processing and service management.

Adding mobile data collection to Selectline in the service department

  • Mobile working time recording
  • Capture material and other items from the Selectline item catalog.
  • Mobile processing of checklists, photo documentation, signatures
  • Digital service report – offline, mobile and paperless
  • Importing Handyman jobs into Selectline
  • Standard interface without adaptation to Selectline
  • Comprehensive field service management software – modularly expandable as needed.
  • Easy implementation of the mobile solution
  • Service App available for Android, iOS and Windows
Mobile editing of checklists with Handyman Mobile

Contact request

Want to learn more about Handyman? Do you need more information about the Selectline interface of the Field Service Management Software Handyman? Contact us - by phone, e-mail or simply via the contact form.

T: +49 231 222 456 9-0

The future is IN SIGHT
