Handyman Connect

stay in touch with your customers - even outside business hours

the gsgroup customer portal is a 24/7 customer service tool that makes communication with your customers easier, faster and better.

handyman connect - always in view

Nowadays, it is necessary to improve efficiency at all levels. Everyone is busy. That’s why it’s important to be able to find the information yourself when you need it.

Handyman Customer Portal allows you to save time and money by giving your customers the ability to create orders and place orders themselves. Handyman Connect ensures that all relevant information on orders is available to your customers at all times.

advantages for you as a provider

  • Higher efficiency
  • More satisfied customers leading to higher loyalty
  • All project data in one place
  • You can always see what has been agreed and keep track of the status of each task.
  • Complete history of all tasks/projects

advantages for your customers

  • Your customers can book your services 24/7
  • Your customers do not have to wait for a response by phone or email
  • Your customers can always see what has been agreed and track the status of their tasks.
  • Access to the complete history of your own orders

Functions and options in the customer portal

  • The customer can easily and quickly upload photos and other documents about the task to be done.
  • Possibility of profiling the portal with your own logo
iPad with Software Handyman Connect is open

Contact request

Are you interested in Handyman? Want to learn more about how Handyman Resource Planning can make your workforce planning easier, faster and more efficient? Get in touch with us!

T: +49 231 222 456 9-0
E: info@gsgroup.de

The future is IN SIGHT
